Castle Großsölk with Jesuitgarden - Impression #1 | © Naturpark Sölktäler

Castle Großsölk with Jesuitgarden

9 Reviews

Nature Park Sölktäler

Castle Großsölk
The historical building was built in the 14th century and had an important role for the ancient trade routes via the Sölkpass. Up until the 17th century., The castle was owned by the local princes who sold it finally in 1617 to the Order of Jesuits. After the dissolution of the Order, the house was a parsonage and since 1998, the castle is the  Nature Park House.

Exhibition: "The Gold of the Hill"
We present in the Castle Gallery exhibition "The Gold of the Hill". The Ennstaler Steirerkäs is a regionally typical rustic product with a long tradition and history. Nestled in the cultural evolution of the exhibition from the Middle Ages to modern times, the ancient cheese tradition.

Sölker Jesuitengarden
The Jesuitengarden is located in the inner courtyard of the Castle Großsölk and is recognized as a teaching and display garden. Besides flowers many many medicinal and culinary herbs grow here as well as new and old forgotten vegetable varieties. You will learn how to use it in kitchen, in cosmetics and traditional medicine. The visit of the Jesuit garden without guide is possible every day.

Church of St. Leonhard
The Church of St. Leonhard was up to collect the Jesuits of former private stables of the noble owner of the castle. In 1743, the barn was rebuilt by the monks as a church. 

Opening period:
from 10.05. - 20.09.2025 every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
The castle café and museum is open on Saturdays and every 2nd Sunday in July & August

Entrance fees:
Adults € 9,--, children (from 6 - 14 years) € 6,--, with Sommercard free instruction!
Family ticket (2 adults to 4 children) € 19,--
Group price from 8 persons: adults € 8,--, children (from 6 - 14 years) € 5

The castle café and museum is open on Saturdays and every 2nd Sunday in July & August.

Castle Großsölk Nature Park House

Free admission to Großsölk Castle incl. exhibitions and Jesuit garden.

The medieval Großsölk Castle was run by noblemen until the Jesuits took over.

Today, this historical gem is used by the Sölktäler Nature Park for museum purposes and hosts several exhibitions.

Guided tours of the castle (for groups of 8 or more) are available by prior arrangement 
outside opening hours (no Sommercard service); 
Tel: +43 (0) 677/64412492;


Opening hours

From 29.05.2025 till 20.09.2025
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
10:00 - 17:00


Also open in July and August every 2nd Sunday from 10.00 to 17.00.

Meeting point

By car: From Graz: B 320, turn off at Espang towards Niederöblarn - Stein/Enns, 4.8 km towards Sölkpass, Großsölk Castle car park. From Salzburg: B 320 - turn off at Pruggern towards Sölktäler Nature Park, remaining route as described above; Public transport: Line 901, 945: stop "Großsölk Kriegerdenkmal"; distance 400 m (10 min.)
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Sky night

Friday 25.04.2025 from 20:30 till 22:00 Uhr

Sölker Garden Day

Saturday 10.05.2025 from 10:00 till 16:00 Uhr

Sölker Jesuit Garden

11.06.2025 till 03.09.2025
10:00 till 12:00 Uhr

Garden regulars' table

Friday 13.06.2025 from 15:00 till 17:00 Uhr

Friday 11.07.2025 from 15:00 till 17:00 Uhr

Friday 08.08.2025 from 15:00 till 17:00 Uhr

Friday 12.09.2025 from 15:00 till 17:00 Uhr

Long Night of the Nature Parks

Friday 19.09.2025 from 20:00 till 22:00 Uhr

"Kasfest" at the castle Großsölk

Saturday 20.09.2025 from 10:00 till 17:00 Uhr

Sky night

Thursday 04.12.2025 from 17:30 till 20:00 Uhr


Products from the Jesuit garden

The Jesuit garden in the courtyard of Schloss Großsölk is recognized as a teaching and show garden. In addition to flowers, many medicinal and aromatic herbs as well as new and old vegetable varieties that have fallen into oblivion thrive here.
During the summer months not only guided tours for interested garden lovers in the Jesuit Garden are offered, but also tasty syrups and teas are produced.
The palette ranges from Sölker herbal tea to syrups made from nanamine, balm or lavender.

The products are available at the nature park office in Stein / Enns during opening hours. In addition, you will also find a wide range of products from suppliers from the Sölker valleys.


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Jana |
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