Sölker Garden Day - Impression #1

Sölker Garden Day

Im Jesuitengarten von Schloss Großsölk

Spring at last! Finally gardening again, exchanging ideas and getting hold of special plants for home!

At the garden festival, all gardening friends have the opportunity to purchase plants, herbs, vegetables and garden plants, including rarities, and to exchange ideas about where to plant and what to care for. 

Garden market with a wide range of:

  • vegetable plants of proven varieties as well as rarities
  • medicinal and aromatic herbs
  • flowers
  • seeds
  • mushrooms for home cultivation
  • potato rarities
  • healthy herbal products
  • decorative wood and ceramics for house and garden

10:00 - 12:00: Herbal workshop for children
with Yasmin Rypka for children aged 5 and over

12:00 pm: Guided tour through the Jesuit garden with Martha Zach
Meeting point at the garden door of the vegetable garden

14:00 - 15:00: Lecture “Healing incense”
Speaker: Carina Gumpoldsberger
Certified FNL medicinal plant expert and adult trainer, www.waldelfe.at

The lecture hall is heated! Free admission to all program items!

In fall 2018, the project “Seed propagation and preservation of old vegetable, flower and herb varieties” was launched in Ennstal and Ausseerland. Plant seeds can be exchanged on the garden day.

Catering is provided. The event takes place in all weathers.

Im Jesuitengarten von Schloss Großsölk
Großsölk 55
8961 Sölk

Naturpark Sölktäler
Stein an der Enns 107
8961 Sölk
+43 677 64 41 24 92

Saturday 10.05.2025 from 10:00 till 16:00 Uhr