School sports weeks

in Schladming-Dachstein

In the Schladming-Dachstein Region, we offer a comprehensive programme for school sports weeks for all age groups in both winter and summer. Whether skiing, tobogganing, fat biking or snowshoeing. In summer, mountain biking, in one of our high ropes courses or mountain go-karting - the range of activities on offer is huge and there is certainly no room for boredom. 

We support teachers in the process, from obtaining offers, to putting together the weekly programme, to arrival in Schladming-Dachstein. 

Winter school sports week

Schladming 4-mountain ski area

The Schladminger 4-Berge-Skischaukel offers special ski pass prices for school groups. 

Planai-Hochwurzen cable cars 
Coburgstraße 52
8970 Schladming 

Phone: +43 3687 22042

Schneebärencard - Riesneralm

The Riesneralm offers special prices for school and student groups. 

Riesneralm cable cars
Kristina Sulzer
Phone: +43 3680 / 606


Booking contact

Tourismusverband Schladming-Dachstein
Ramsauerstraße 756
8970 Schladming 
Phone: +43 3687 23310