Langlaufschule fit & fun | RAMSAU AM DACHSTEIN | © Langlaufschule fit & fun

Cross-Country Ski School fit & fun

6 Reviews

Ramsau am Dachstein

An international jury chose us as the best cross-country skiing school in Europe. We want to live up to this award every year. Customer-oriented thinking and acting is our highest motto, in the lessons, in the offer and in the service.

In order to ensure that your lessons are even more tailored to your needs, our cross-country and skating courses have a modular structure and brake technique lessons and private lessons can be taken as independent units. By building your own laser biathlon stadium you will experience pure "biathlon feeling". We currently have the most modern automatic laser system with folding discs and shooting noise, just like in real biathlon sport.

We have also expanded the popular guest biathlon with the KK rifle. Sophisticated services have been expanded to include interesting topics.

Look around with us, it will be surely the suitable one for you thereby. If not, then we make it suitable for you.

We look forward to meeting you!

Your fit & fun team!


Nordic Walking with Pulse Monitoring

Walking course

Sports or leisure clothing, sports or light hiking shoes

Meeting point: Ramsau Center – Ramsau event hall

Nordic walking course for beginners (Tuesday)

Nordic walking course for advanced learners (Thursday)

Minimum number of participants: 3

Registration by 8 p.m. the day before, mobile +43 (0) 664/2310231


Opening hours

From 29.05.2025 till 30.10.2025
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
10:00 - 12:00

Meeting point

Public Arrival: Line 960: Transfer hub „Ramsau Ort“; distance 200 m (3 min.)
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Biathlon Cross-Country School fit & fun


Biathlon course instead of € 70,- for € 60,-

Ammunition and shooting range fees are included in the price.

Marksmanship with original weapons in the biathlon stadium, dynamic Nordic walking units.

We teach breathing and shooting techniques. No previous knowledge necessary.


Opening hours

From 29.05.2025 till 02.11.2025
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
14:00 - 16:00


Minimum number of participants: 3 persons; not possible in case of snowfall

Meeting point

By car: Ramsau - Ramsau center - near event center Ramsau; public arrival: Line 960: Transfer hub „Ramsau Ort“; distance 150 m (2 min.)
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Laser Biathlon for beginners

Free participation - Laser Biathlon

Minimum number of participants: 3 persons / Duration: 90 minutes

Meeting point: Ramsau centre (event hall), registration by 08:00 p.m. on the day before, by mobile +43 (0) 664/2310231. 

Programme focus:

  • Handling the laser weapon
  • Shooting in and training of breathing and shooting rhythm
  • Prone and standing shooting units
  • Biathlon relay fun competition
  • Exciting shotout

We currently have the most modern automatic laser system with folding targets and the sound of a biathlon shot. Biathlon with laser technology is an integral part of shooting training in top-class sport.


Opening hours

From 29.05.2025 till 02.11.2025
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
16:00 - 17:30

Meeting point

Car: Schladming - Ramsau - Ramsau Ort (event hall); Public Arrival: Line 960: Transfer hub „Ramsau Ort“; distance 150 m (3 min.)
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Laser Biathlon for slightly advanced users

Free participation - Laser biathlon for advanced participants

Minimum number of participants: 3 persons / Duration: 90 minutes

Meeting point: Ramsau centre (event hall), registration by 8.00 pm the day before on mobile +43 (0) 664/2310231. 

The programme is designed for all those who want to improve their basic biathlon skills.

You will be supervised by former biathletes.

Programme focus:

  • Shooting in and advanced training of breathing and shooting rhythm
  • Position optimisation and improvement of shooting time
  • Shooting units under load in prone and standing position
  • Biathlon individual or relay competition
  • Exciting shootout

Opening hours

From 29.05.2025 till 02.11.2025
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
16:00 - 17:30


Meeting point

Schladming - Ramsau - Ramsau Ort; public arrival: Line 960: transfer hub & stop "Ramsau Ort", distance 150 m (2 min)
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Program highlights:

  •  Cross-country skiing and skating taster courses - 3 times a week, 2 hours each
  • Cross-country courses - Cross-country skiing and skating - Module system from 1 - 8

Beginners: Module 1-3 | Advanced: Module 4-6 | Advanced Plus: Module 7-8

  • Children's cross-country skiing and skating courses with laser biathlon final competition - 4-10 years old
  • Teen-Challenge incl. Laser Biathlon - 11-16 Years
  • Private lessons for quick learning success - possible daily
  • LASER-Biathlon - trial, course, private lessons or group event
  • Biathlon course with the KK rifle
  • Individually organized group or company events
  • High altitude cross-country skiing tour at Rossbrand
  • Brake technology lesson - 6 times a week
  • Technology check for frequent runners with few technical errors
  • Snowshoe hikes - half-day or full-day tour
  • School sports weeks - with interdisciplinary programming
  • Cross-country skiing lessons for handicapped persons
  • Fat killer cross-country skiing tour
  • Skiletics Workouttraing
  • Wax station with "instant service"
  • Warm up with music - daily at 10.00 a.m.
  • Day of cross-country skiing - try everything for free, 26.01.2020


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6 results

Dachstein & Obere Leiten

Erich Wilfing |
Hier kann man Nordic Walken mit tollen Ausblicken und dem Dachstein sehr Nahe.

Toller Event

Ralf Teubner |
Als wir mit Wanderschuhen ankamen dachten wir das wird eine ruhige Sache und wir schießen ein bißchen. Weit gefehlt !!!! Da geht richtig was ab. Wir wurden langsam ans Biathlon herangeführt und bekamen dann in einem Wettkampf (inkl. Laufstrecke) mit den anderen Teilnehmern auch das Gefühl, was es bedeutet ausgepowert an den Schießstand zu kommen. Daumen hoch !!!! Super Veranstaltung und toll erklärt.

Schweinehund überwinden

Gunther |
Schwein süß-sauer oder knusprig-weich, danach?

Einfach Toll die Walk und lauftrecken von Ramsau

Manfred Hartmann |
Super ausgeschildert, bin fast alle Routen durchlaufen. Nur bei 5 und 6 müssten ggf. nochmals überprüft werden.

Laufen und Walken bei toller Aussicht

Jörg Stäcker |
Die phantastische Aussicht, die schönen Strecken und die toll markierten Wege motivieren gleich doppelt und dreifach zum Laufen und Wandern

Schöne Strecken

Julia Hiller |
Super ausgeschilderte Strecken mit abwechslungsreichen Wegen für alle Bedürfnisse. Haben dort toll trainiert und hatten ein erfolgreiches Trainingslager!
6 results