Bus timetables
Our buses are there to help you reach your destination.
Simply enter a location or address to find your best connections in the Schladming-Dachstein Region.
Taking your dog on busses
Planai Bus:
Dogs must be kept on a leash and muzzled on all Planai buses!
Muzzles can also be purchased on the bus for € 9,50.
The dog's fare is calculated from 50% of the passenger fare.
Ramsauer Verkehrsbetriebe:
Small dogs do not need a muzzle and travel free of charge.
All larger dogs must be muzzled with a fare of 50% of the passenger fare.
Leash compulsory for all dogs! Muzzles can be purchased for € 9,50 on the bus.
Ski bus
Winter 2024/25
All ski buses in the Schladming-Dachstein Region: 4-Mountain Ski Area: Hauser Kaibling, Planai, Hochwurzen, Reiteralm, as well as Galsterberg, Fageralm, Ramsau am Dachstein and Dachstein glacier. With your valid ski pass, travel on the ski bus is free (except groups).