Martin Kosch - Bauchfleck ins Fettnäpfchen
Cultur Centrum Wolkenstein
Our world has become a strange place. There is now only black or white, left or right, for or against. The pitfalls of correctness lurk everywhere. Walking the Camino de Santiago was yesterday. Today, it's all about mastering the pitfalls. Martin Kosch is now completely unsettled: What is still acceptable to say? Who might feel personally offended? What happens if you make a mistake? Is it possible to be incorrect? Martin Kosch has always tried to do everything correctly and accurately,
to avoid every little blunder. But now he's climbing onto the diving platform of life and going for a belly flop! Or will it be a butt bomb after all?
“In Kosch's work, the wobbles shoot from the hip every second.” (Der Falter)
“A master of roles and dialects - a punchline firework display in a class of its own.” (Kronen Zeitung)
Ticket reservations
- Box office: € 25.- (members € 22.-)
- With reservation: € 22.- (members € 19.-)
- Reservation: 03682/23250 or
- Pupils, apprentices, students, job seekers, people with disabilities: € 10.-
If you cannot reach us personally, please leave your ticket reservation(s) on the tape/answering machine.
Event location
Bahnhofstraße 110
8950 Stainach-Pürgg
Thursday 27.03.2025 from 19:30 Uhr