Anna Frauscher | © Anna Frauscher

Casuarius Casuarius

Cultur Centrum Wolkenstein


Saturday, November 9, 19:30h, CCW

The young band from Graz enchants the audience on different levels with their music: Funky basslines and drum grooves together with rap passages motivate the audience to dance, while spacey guitars and synthesizer sounds mixed with catchy vocal lines create a slightly melancholic and reflective mood.  What started as a fun project by a few funny birds who knew each other from school has grown into a mature, colorful flock of birds who have made it their mission to spread their musical feathers across the country.

Admission: € 18.-

Anna Frauscher – voc
Martin Frauscher – voc
Tobias Zollneritsch – drums
Johannes Soldhju – guit, synth
Sebastian Weiss – guit
Michael Trenkler – bass

Cultur Centrum Wolkenstein
Bahnhofstraße 110
8950 Stainach-Pürgg

Cultur Centrum Wolkenstein
Mag. Helmut Günther
+43 3682 23250

Saturday 09.11.2024 from 19:30 Uhr