

De Stoderzinken is een indrukwekkende berg in de buurt van Gröbming, die uitnodigt tot talrijke activiteiten in de zomer. Met een hoogte van 2048 m is hij te bereiken via een alpenweg, te vinden in de vakantieregio Schladming-Dachstein. Op de top van de Stoder wacht de bezoekers een prachtig uitzicht, dat op heldere dagen tot 100 km reikt.

In de zomer kunt u de Stoderzinken en de prachtige natuur verkennen via talrijke wandel- en klimroutes. Zo leidt een 19,5 km lange rondwandeling vanaf de parkeerplaats in Stoder op 1829 m over de top en de Grafenbergalm, waar u in een van de mooie, rustieke hutten kunt pauzeren.

Regeling buspendel en tolwegen

Nieuw vanaf zomer 2023

Van 18 mei tot 07 juli 2023 en van 11 september tot 01 november 2023 is de tolweg inbegrepen bij de Sommercard. Tijdens de Stiermarkse zomervakantie van 08 juli tot 10 september 2023 is de beklimming NIET inbegrepen in de Sommercard en gelden de toltarieven.

Stoderzinken bus shuttle
Van 08 juli tot 10 september 2023 is de beklimming met de Stoderzinken-buspendel inbegrepen in de Sommercard (de Sommercard is in deze periode niet geldig met de eigen auto).

Coaches vereisen een reservering vooraf!
Zonder reservering vooraf is geen toegang mogelijk, ter plaatse kunnen geen tickets worden gekocht. Coaches krijgen een tijdslot toegewezen voor in- en uitstappen om tweerichtingsverkeer met andere coaches te vermijden.

Important Information


Coming from the B320, take the Gröbming exit, then follow the signs to the Stoderzinken Alpine Road (toll road).

Holders of a Schladming-Dachstien Sommercard or Freizeitcard can use the Stoderzinken Alpine Road free of charge from May 17 to July 5, 2024 and from September 9 to November 3, 2024.

During the holidays from July 6 to September 8, 2024, the toll is only included in the new shuttle bus. The ascent by car is then NOT* included in the Sommercard.

*Holders of a Sommercard season ticket (leisure card, employee card, etc.) can also use the toll road with the card during the holidays.

Attention: Stoderzinken toll road closed due to the current snow conditions! 

Toll tariffs "Stoderzinken Alpenstrasse"

Holders of a Schladming-Dachstein Sommercard or Freizeitcard can ascend free of charge from May 17th to July 05th, 2024 and from September 09th to November 03rd, 2024. During the Styrian summer holidays from July 06th to September 08th, 2024, access by car is NOT included in the Sommercard/Freizeitcard.

Toll tariffs Price
Car € 20,00
Bus/Mobile Home* € 200,00
Motorbike € 10,00

* applies to vehicles over 2.5 m in height, prior registration required!

Prices  Stoderzinken Bus shuttle

July 06 to September 08, 2024

Services Price
Standard price adults, ascent and descent € 19,00
Standard price child (6-14 years), ascent and descent € 10,00
Single ride € 10,00
Single ride child (6-14 years) € 5,00
For owners of the Sommercard/Freizeitcard free

Coachse must register a trip to the Stoderzinken in at least 7 days in advance:

  • No ascent is permitted without advance reservation, no ticket can be purchased on site.
  • Choaches are allocated a time slot for the ascent and departure (to avoid two-way traffic with other coaches).
  • Coaches with reservations at a catering establishment on the mountain must also reserve an ascent and departure time.
  • The maximum bus length on the Stoderzinken is 13 meters

Contact for coach reservations


phone: +43 3687 23310

A large car parking park is located directly next to the Stoderzinken Alpenstraße (near Rosemi Alm). Other parking spaces are located directly in Gröbming at the bus station or near the primary schools. From there you can take the Stoderzinken bus shuttle to the Stoderzinken.

The ascent is via the Stoderzinken Alpine road (toll road) with a magnificent panorama.

At the wayside cross next to the Stoder hut, the trail branches off to the summit and the Friedenskirchlein (little church), which can be reached in about 20 minutes.

No. The path to the Friedenskircherl is not secured in winter and therefore not accessible!

  • The Friedenskircherl was built in 1902 by Emil Ritter von Horstig and was thus 120 later voted the most beautiful place in Austria.
  • Peter Rosegger also visited the Friedenskircherl on the Stoderzinken and wrote the following verse in view of its beauty: "What shall I write in these mountains full of sunshine? I can only be silent and blissful in devotion."
  • In 1982, a special stamp was dedicated to the Friedenskircherl on the occasion of its 80th anniversary. 
  • Since 1993, the Friedenskircherl has been owned by the Gröbming branch of the Austrian Mountain Rescue Service, which also takes care of its upkeep.
  • The Stoderzinken, and in particular the Friedenskircherl, have already been filming locations for the zdf series "Die Bergretter" (The Mountain Rescuers), which is filmed throughout the region, but especially in Ramsau am Dachstein. In the 3rd season, even the crash of the Friedenskircherl is filmed. During the filming of the mountain rescuers, real mountain rescuers, such as Heri Eisl, are always present to provide support. 
  • A replica of the Friedenskircherl can be found at the eastern entrance to Gröbming on the B320 main road. There is also a small model in the Gröbming Museum.

Weersvooruitzichten Stoderzinken

Datum kiezen
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Rather cloudy in the morning, then sunny spells will develop gradually.
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Some clouds in the morning, lateron much sunshine and hardly any clouds
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.


Extra informatie