Evening concert of the Musikverein Pruggern - Impression #1 | © Julia Prüggler

Evening concert of the Musikverein Pruggern

Dorfplatz Pruggern

Make yourself comfortable and enjoy an atmospheric evening at the Dämmerschoppen on the village square in Pruggern. From 19:00 you can expect a varied programme with lively polkas, soulful waltzes, rousing marches and modern melodies. Our Musi-Kids will also be there to show off their skills.

Your physical well-being will of course be well catered for - come along and enjoy a lovely evening in good company!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Dorfplatz Pruggern
8965 Michaelerberg-Pruggern

Vrijdag 16.05.2025 from 19:00 Uhr

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