Via ferrata certificate - black / advanced course - Impression #1 | © Gerald Grünwald

Via ferrata certificate - black / advanced course

Ramsau am Dachstein

A solid climbing technique and rope handling skills are an absolute safety bonus for climbing difficult via ferratas. Accordingly, we focus on improving your own skills and on various practical ways of securing yourself and your partner.

After completing the course, you will receive the via ferrata card - BLACK.

  • Time: whole day
  • Price: 1 person 480€
    2 person 240€ per participant
    3 - 4 person 160€ per participant
  • Difficulty: ***

Contact, info and registration:
Bergführer Dachstein
+43 664 522 0080

Ramsau am Dachstein

Bergführer Dachstein
Ramsau 372
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein
+43 664 522 0080

08.05.2025 tot 25.09.2025

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