Dirndl-Überschreitung - Impression #1


Ramsau am Dachstein

The Dirndl crossing offers an easy and enjoyable climb in grade III. Nestled between the Hallstatt Glacier and the mighty south face of the Dachstein south walls, this very attractive rocky ridge stretches from the Hunerkogel to the Dachsteinwarte.

  • Time: 07:30 - 15:00
  • Price:1 person 480€
    2 persons 260€ per participant
  • Difficulty: ****

Contact, info and registration:
Bergführer Dachstein
+43 664 522 0080

Ramsau am Dachstein

Bergführer Dachstein
Ramsau 372
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein
+43 664 522 0080

04.06.2025 tot 24.09.2025
07:30 Uhr

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