Gitti Wieser - live with your heart !
Ramsau am Dachstein
Everything in life comes to me with ease, joy and abundance!
Healing and body session with heart and consciousness.
My door is open for you:
✓ In case of physical and / or mental difficulties / problems (acute or chronic)
✓ Whatever and however much you are grieving
✓ You want to relax, be good to yourself and just BE
✓ You want more... ?
This awaits you:
- Access Bars & Access Body Processes
- BE more yourself
- Create new opportunities for yourself
- Dissolution of blockades, limitations and external energies
- Delete blocking dogmas in a flash and replace them by creating questions
- Simple practical, working tips for your everyday life
- Healing foil
I look forward to seeing YOU!
Haus Wiesbach, Ramsau 182
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein
+43 660 51 44 889
Hoe bereikt u ons
Body Treatment, Supervision and Coaching with Gitti Wieser
€ 20,- discount on a healing session
Hoe bereikt u ons
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- Slechtweertip
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