Agricultural Circle | Art and Agriculture  - Impression #1

Agricultural Circle | Art and Agriculture


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Agricultural Circle | OPEN FIELDS - Art and Agriculture
Rainer Nöbauer-Kammerer

at the Hirzhof on the Auberg inAich
Opening: Friday, 6.9.2024, 4 pm

Artist Rainer Nöbauer-Kammerer's concept is a land art project that he implements using agricultural equipment such as circular sprinklers, water wagons and natural colours. He is experimenting with colour extraction at Gerhard Schüttbacher's Hirzhof farm, which runs an organic farm with direct marketing of animal products at 1,200 m above sea level in the Schladming-Dachstein region.

Free bus transfer from Graz
Departure: 1.15 pm, Graz main station, 8020 Graz
Return: approx. 10 pm
Registration: or 0699/1855-1000 until September 5, 2024, 12 pm

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