Troger mill - Impression #1 | © Pixabay

Troger mill

Nature Park Sölktäler - Naturparkbüro Sölktäler

Troger mill - Visiting the only intact mill in the nature reserve Sölktäler. From 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Naturparkbüro Sölktäler
Stein an der Enns 107
8961 Sölk

Tourismusverband Schladming-Dachstein
Infobüro Naturpark Sölktäler
Stein an der Enns 107
8961 Sölk
+43 3687 23310 501

03.07.2025 tot 28.08.2025
10:00 tot 12:00 Uhr

Pre-registratie vereist! Until Wednesday, 12 noon

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Stream Experience

Free participation - stream experience

Together we explore the stream habitat and go in search of aquatic creatures, which we scrutinise and get to know.

  • From 6 persons
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Equipment: Bathing shoes/rubber boots and towel

You will also learn how human intervention affects water quality and the ecosystem and what we can do to protect this precious resource. Afterwards, we will build small, ephemeral natural artworks from stones and driftwood.



Van 03.07.2025 tot 28.08.2025
Ma Di Wo Do Vr Za Zo
10:00 - 12:00


Registration until Wednesday, 12:00 noon, Tel. +43 3687 23310 501 /