Hektar Party 150 Jahre Feuerwehr Gröbming  - Impression #1 | © FF Gröbming

Hektar Party 150 Jahre Feuerwehr Gröbming

OPGELET! Het event is al voorbij.

Celebrate a historic event with us! The Gröbming Volunteer Fire Brigade is proudly celebrating its 150th anniversary and we cordially invite you to be part of this special jubilee.

The legendary Hektar Party will take place on August 9, 2024. With the rousing sounds of "Die Party Hirschen" and a performance by "Die Draufgänger", the night promises to be an unforgettable celebration for all party-goers.

But that's not all! A festive ceremony will follow on August 10, 2024, where we will celebrate tradition and progress together. The highlights of this day will be the symbolic cutting of the maypole and the dedication of the fire department's new truck - a sign of our constant operational readiness and further development.

Be there when we celebrate 150 years of the Gröbming Volunteer Fire Brigade together and write another chapter in our history.

We look forward to seeing you!

Tickets are available at the Rappl department stores' and at Raika Gröbming. Tickets can also be purchased in person every Monday from 18:00 at the Gröbming armoury. 

Horstigstrasse 122
8962 Gröbming

Freiwillige Feuerwehr Gröbming
Horstigstrasse 122
8962 Gröbming
+43 3685 23010 (nicht ständig besetzt)

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