Archery for kids  - Impression #1 | © Dominik Steiner

Archery for kids


Each Thursday at 10 am we are briefed by an expert on the training area and then range the woods where we find 3-D representations of rabbit, deer and bear. Besides the minimum age, kids should be able to draw a sport bow.

Duration of programme: approx. 2 hours.

Meeting point: Schieplechnerhof (Janerweg 30, 8971 Schladming)

Fee: € 10,- (included in Sommercard)

Participants: Maximum of 16 kids, aged between 6 and 12 years

Registration: Tourist office Schladming +43 3687 22777-22 until 6 pm of the previous day

Tourismusverband Schladming-Dachstein
Infobüro Schladming
Rohrmoosstraße 234
8970 Schladming
+43 3687 23310

02.06.2025 tot 01.09.2025
10:00 tot 12:00 Uhr

Pre-registratie vereist!

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Archery for Kids

With bow and arrow - draw, aim, hit

  • Meeting point: Bruno's archery course, Schieplehnerhof Rohrmoos, Untertal, Janerweg 30
  • Number/age: min. 4 children, max. 10 children aged 6 to 12 years
  • Registration required:

Additional information: 
Every Monday from 10:00 to 12:00, after an expert introduction at the practice area, we roam through the forest to the 3-D target figures such as hare, deer and bear. Apart from the minimum age, children should be able to muster a certain amount of strength to draw the bows.



Van 02.06.2025 tot 01.09.2025
Ma Di Wo Do Vr Za Zo
10:00 - 12:00

Hoe bereikt u ons

Car: Schladming – Rohrmoos – Untertal – through the town of Untertal - after 3 km, turn left across the Janerbrücke bridge, then after 200 m make a right, continuing to No.30 Janerweg; Public arrival: Line 974: „Janerbrücke Hinkerbrücke“ stop; distance 400 m (7 min.)
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