Savory pastries - simple and suitable for everyday use - Impression #1 | ©

Savory pastries - simple and suitable for everyday use


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Do you want to make and enjoy Salzstangerl, bread rolls, Kornspitz and co yourself, because the feeling of creating something delicious yourself is indescribable? Learn all the basics of baking rolls in this course so that you can soon spoil your family at home. We will shape poppy seed pastries, rolls, sticks etc. ourselves and make the dough. Because cookies don't have to be difficult and time-consuming! Our everyday recipes with ingredients that every supermarket has and a manageable amount of time make it possible to bake more often from now on. I'll show you simple tricks for baking good pastries at home. Because what could be better than the smell of freshly baked rolls from the oven in your home...?

53 € / person incl. food costs

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