Christoph Huber | © Christoph Huber

Forest and Pasture

Schloss Trautenfels - Marmorsaal

Forest and Pasture, Illustrated Radio Play "It Rained Yesterday -
Stories from the Kingdom" by Christoph Huber

Christoph Huber presents his illustrated radio play "It Rained Yesterday – Stories from the Kingdom" for the first time. Along with Ernst Huber and Christoph Huber, Franz Titschenbacher (President of the Chamber of Agriculture) and Andreas Pircher (Head of the Kemetgebirge District of the Federal Forests) contribute to the discussion on the topic of forests and pastures. Holger Hoff (Wegener Center, University of Graz) brings an interdisciplinary perspective to the discussion.

Free admission!

Registration at:

Schloss Trautenfels - Marmorsaal
Trautenfels 1
8951 Stainach-Pürgg
+43 3682 22233

Schloss Trautenfels
Trautenfels 1
8951 Stainach-Pürgg
+43 3682 22233

Vrijdag 20.09.2024 van 19:00 tot 21:00 Uhr

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