Dance-Clubbing - Impression #1


Ku:L Öblarn

UWAGA! Event już miał miejsce.

Dance clubbing - dancing in a protected environment

The concept of dance clubbing offers an alternative way of dancing that differs from traditional dance events. The focus on free and individual dancing without pressure or fixed dance steps creates a space for personal expression and development. 80% of human communication is non-verbal and every impression in life needs to be expressed. It is often difficult to put feelings or moods into words - dancing can help us with this. 

Registration requested - so that we know whether it will take place

Price: EUR 12,-


Ku:L Öblarn
Öblarn 26
8960 Öblarn
+43 664 86 00 300

ku:L Kunst- und Kulturhaus Öblarn
Öblarn 26
8960 Öblarn
+43 664 86 00 300