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Country Fair

with Pump Consecration by the FF Donnersbachwald

UWAGA! Event już miał miejsce.

Program on Saturday
6:00 PM: Consecration of the new pump of the Volunteer Fire Department at the maypole (in case of bad weather, in the festival tent)
Followed by entertainment with "durch & durch" in the festival tent

Program on Sunday
11:00 AM: Morning pint with the Donnersbachwald Music Association
11:30 AM: Maypole cutting with woodchopping show program
1:30 PM: Entertainment with the "Schoffeichtkoglposcha"
4:00 PM: Raffle of the maypole & main prizes
Admission: voluntary donation

Freiwillige Feuerwehr Donnersbachwald
8953 Irdning-Donnersbachwald


You can find the exact route here:
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