Stainach Advent Market - Impression #1 | © pixabay

Stainach Advent Market

Hauptplatz Stainach

“The smell of roasting apple is in the air” 

Various exhibitors offer gift ideas, creative workpieces and regional delicacies. You can listen to the musical program while enjoying mulled wine and baked apples.

There is an Advent craft for our younger guests.

Hauptplatz Stainach

Blumen Atelier Rosa
Sabine Bund
Hauptplatz 259
8950 Stainach
+43 3682 23798

Sobota 23.11.2024 od 13:00 do 20:00 Uhr

Niedziela 24.11.2024 od 10:00 do 17:00 Uhr


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