Waldhorn - 2,702 m

obtížné Hiking · Schladming

Aktuální podmínky
01/11/2024 - 30/04/2025

On Untertalstraße road there is a winter closure from Gasthaus Weisse Wand into the valley that applies from 01.11.2024-30.04.2025

Vlastnosti túry
Informace o túře
Trasa: 22.66 km
Doba trvání: 10:43 h
Výstup: 1879 m
Sestup: 1879 m
Nejlepší roční období

The summit of Waldhorn is at an altitude of 2,702 above Adriatic sea-leval and thus one of the highest peaks in the Niedere Tauern mountain range. Moreover the mountain is marked by its massive characteristics and therefore one of the most impressive in the Schladminger Tauern range. The tour is definitely one for passionate hikers and those with experience in Alpine terrain. If you don't have experience in such areas you might want to join a mountain guide for the ascent to the summit.

Especially the West face of Waldhorn is really impressive - dropping around 800 m into the Innere Lämmerkar cirque. The ascent to the summit comes with a number of real gems - be it Riesachsee Lake in the early morning or the breathaking beauty of Kapuzinersee Lake below Waldhorntörl ridge.

The descent can be done via the same route, though we recommend a small detour via Breite Scharte ridge and Klafferkessel, which is an Alpine plateau with smaller and bigger tarns.

Popis trasy

From Seeleiten car park at Riesach waterfall you ascend to Gfölleralm and Riesachsee Lake either via the alpine trail through "Höll" gorge or via a forestry road. Passing by the lake and the alpine chalets of Kaltenbachalm and Berallerhütte at Kotalm you follow trail n° 777 to Preintalerhütte and Waldhornalm mountain refuges.

From the huts you again continue along trail n° 777 which is now also marked as trail n° 702 (Schladminger Tauern High Trail and long-distance trail 02 "Central Alps Trail"). You walk up into the "Äußere Lämmerkar" cirque where you then turn-off left and continue on trail n° 777 further uphill into the "Innere Lämmerkar" cirque. Rocky passages and partially loose rocks characterize the way and over an escarpment you ascend to Kapuzinersee Lake, which nestles inbetween an impressive mountain panorama.

From Kapuzinersee Lake you climb up to Waldhorntörl ridge from where you can reach the neighbouring Lungau area. Directly at the ridge the trail to the summit of Waldhorn branches off left. In the beginning there are some easy climbing passages (UIAA I) up the West ridge, where the trail takes you up to the summit of Waldhorn. The view during the ascent and from the summit is terrific.

For the route back you follow the same route down to Waldhorntörl (there is a route that once was marked, taking you down via the neighbouring summit of Kieseck, which is NOT recommended!). From the ridge we recommend to make a small detour via Klafferkessel. For this purpose you walk down left of the ridge for just a bit and then take the trail over Breite Scharte into Klafferkessel. Often the lakes there are frozen into the summer, which supports the Arctic charakter of the scenery.

From the trail crossing at Klafferkessel you follow trail n° 702 back towards Preintalerhütte. Via Klafferscharte ridge you descend into Lämmerkar ciqures again. Again, the trail leads you through terrain with quite loose surface. Once down in the "Äußere Lämmerkar" cirque you reach the trail crossing 777/702 where you join the route of your ascent earlier that day. From here, take the known route back to Seeleiten car park in Untertal.

From Schladming take provincial highway L722 (Rohrmoosstraße road) to Rohrmoos and at the roundabout continue on provincial highway L723 (Tälerstraße road) towards Untertal. Once you reach the village of Untertal keep on going towards Untertal valley and Seeleiten car park at its valley head.

With the Planai buses from Schladming (Planet-Planai, Lendplatz) or Rohrmoos (Rohrmoos-Zentrum) to Untertal valley - bus stop "Riesach- Wasserfall" at Seeleiten car park.

Seeleiten car park at the valley head of Untertal.
Seeleiten car park, Untertal
Seeleiten car park, Untertal

The tour to Waldhorn is a demanding summit tour in high alpine terrain, Cragged and exposed trail passages are characteristic for the tour and experience in Alpine environment is required. A head for heights and surefootedness as well as strong stamina are a MUST!

Changes in weather patterns, quick falls in temperature, thunderstorms, wind, fog and snow are some of the dangers that can be encountered on a hiking tour. Hosts of alpine huts and mountain refuges have a lot of experience in the mountains and can give good advice about weather and the trails. Poor equipment, overestimation of one's own capabilities, carelessness, poor personal constitution and/or wrong judgement  can lead to critical situations. In case of thunderstorms: avoid summits, ridges and steel ropes.

GPS data and orienteering

Available GPS data - just like hiking maps - is only a guidance for orientation and can never depict a trail exactly with all its details. Especially at dangerous spots it is essential to judge on site how to proceed.

In an emergency please call:

  • 140 - for Alpine emergencies (all over Austria)
  • 112 - European GSM emergency number
A well-packed backpack is helpful and especially when touring Alpine terrain a tuque, gloves, a windproof jacket and pants are standard equipment. Good, waterproof shoes, sun glasses, sun cream and sufficient beverages are essential too. Torch light, a map of the area, knie and a small first-aid kit should also be in the backpack.

Předpověď počasí

Vybrat datum
v době oběda
The day will be dry, but mostly cloudy with occasional sunny spells.
v době oběda
Variable cloudiness with sunny spells and a chance of showers around noon.
v době oběda
Unsettled with showers, but also sunny spells from the morning on.

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