Schildlehen Trail (no. 9)
snadné Trailrunning · Ramsau am Dachstein
Vlastnosti túry
Informace o túře
Trasa: 9.6 km
Doba trvání: 01:30 h
Výstup: 135 m
Sestup: 135 m
Nejlepší roční období
The majority of the trail follows along gravel paths or easy forest trails.
90% on gravel paths or easy forest trails.
10% on asphalt roads.
Více informací
Popis trasy
From the starting point, the path leads north until you reach trail no.1. Follow a trail through a fir forest in the direction of Dachsteinstraße until you reach Ramsau Beach. From there, you will turn around and run back to Ramsau Ort.
Von Westen:Tauernautobahn A 10 bis zum Knoten Ennstal - Abfahrt Richtung Graz/Schladming - rund 20 km auf der Ennstal-Bundesstraße bis nach Schladming - Abzweigung Ramsau
Von Norden:Pyhrnautobahn Richtung Liezen Ennstalbundesstraße bis nach Schladming - Abzweigung Ramsau
Ramsauer Verkehrsbetriebe Fahrplan
Langlaufstadion Ramsau Ort
Cross-Country Stadium Ramsau Ort
Cross-Country Stadium Ramsau Ort
On this trail, you will have to cross country roads and side streets.
Please be careful!
- Running Attire
- Headgear
- Trail Running or Running Shoes
- Hydration Pack or Water Bottle and Cereal Bars or Energy BArs
- Map or Trail Running Folder
- Sport Watch
- First Aid Kit
- Mobile Phone in case of an emergency (there are QR-Codes along the trail)
Tipy autora
As there is a risk of injury, street shoes should not be used for trail running.
Další informace a odkazy
Here are a couple of rules to make it run smoothly:
- Put aside your daily stress and enjoy moving outside within beautiful natural scenery.
- Take your time! Your training will depend on your age, general health, physique, and cardio.
- Pay attention to proper running and breathing techniques.
- Running is fun! Monotony is the beginning of the end. Try varied your trails in length and intensity.
- Warm-up: Easy stretches are recommended before and after your training. This will help the mobility of your muscles and protect you from injuring them.
- Cool-down: slow down in pace. Adapt your cool-down phase to the duration of the trail.
- Nutritional advice: do not eat for approx. 2 hours before your training but drink a lot of water before and during your run. After your training, eat carbs like pasta, potatoes, wheat, rice,...
- Wear sweat-wicking clothes and chose the right running shoes for yourself (they should have a 1/2 inch gap at the front). Your shoes should offer shock-absorption, stabilization and the right rolling characteristics.
Please pay attention to sign-posts to protect our environment.
Kompass / Der Dachstein
Freitag und Bernt /
AV Karte / Dachstein
Předpověď počasí
Vybrat datum
Dull throughout the day with light snowfall every once in a while.
Some clouds in the morning, lateron much sunshine and hardly any clouds
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.