Afternoon for children at the Zeitroas Museum - Imprese #1 | © Museum Zeitroas

Afternoon for children at the Zeitroas Museum

Museum Zeitroas

POZOR! Tato událost již proběhla.

Dear children big and small, come and visit us in our museum.

The children's afternoon is individually arranged according to the age of the participating children and has no specific duration. 
Parents are also very welcome.

Groups on request - also possible on other days.


Online registration:

Museum Zeitroas
Ramsau am Dachstein

Tourismusverband Schladming-Dachstein
Ramsau 372
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein
+43 3687 233 10

Doplňující informace

  • Tip při špatném počasí