Via Ferrata Hias, Siega oder Rosina - Imprese #1

Via Ferrata Hias, Siega oder Rosina

Ramsau am Dachstein

Depending on your interests, we will take you on one of the shorter via ferratas in the Silberkarklamm gorge. The short approach and manageable length make these via ferratas ideal half-day tours. Of course, you can also book all three via ferratas at once as a full-day tour. Information about the Silberkar trilogy can be found here.


  • Time: 16:00 - 18:30
  • Price:1 person 180€
    2 person 120€ per participant
    3 - 4 person 90€ per participant
  • Difficulty: ***

Contact, info and registration:
Bergführer Dachstein
+43 664 522 0080

Ramsau am Dachstein

Bergführer Dachstein
Ramsau 372
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein
+43 664 522 0080

01.06.2025 do 29.10.2025
Pondělí - neděle
16:00 Uhr

Je nutná předběžná registrace!