Kletterturm Aich | © Gemeinde Aich

Try climbing at the climbing-tower in Aich

Freizeitseeanlage Aich

Well equipped with climbing harness and helmet, roped up and professionally secured by a mountain guide, you will try out your first holds and steps on the 9 m high climbing tower. The necessary equipment will be provided to you. 1 unit lasts about 2 hours. In addition to a good, secured and shared time in the group, you will also be taught basic knowledge and proper climbing behavior as well as modern techniques. If you have a taste for climbing after this taster climbing, you are welcome to book further courses and tours in the mountains of the Dachstein and Schladminger Tauern at the mountaineering school "Berg und Abenteuer" www.bergundabenteuer.at.

Registration for the trial climbing at the climbing tower in Aich is absolutely necessary.
No later than Sunday until 5 pm, online under www.schladming-dachstein.at/summerprogram

  • Meeting Point: Freizeitsee Aich
  • Duration: 2 hours  
  • Costs: € 22,- per person
  • Free of charge with the sommercard
  • Participants: min. 3, max. 6 per groupe, aged 6 and over
  • Family climbing for adults and children

Register online at: www.schladming-dachstein.at/summerprogram

Tourismusverband Schladming-Dachstein
Ramsauerstraße 756
8970 Schladming

Freizeitseeanlage Aich
Kurztrum 56
8966 Aich

Tourismusverband Schladming-Dachstein
Infobüro Haus
Schlossplatz 47
8967 Haus
+43 3687 23310 301

30.06.2025 do 01.09.2025
10:00 Uhr
16:30 do 18:30 Uhr

Je nutná předběžná registrace! registration until sunday 17:00 p.m.

Intro to climbing, at the climbing tower in Aich

Free admission

Taster climbing for the whole family on the 9 m high climbing tower at the Aich bathing lake

min. 3 persons, max. 6 persons

Family climbing for adults and children aged 6 and over

Duration approx. 2 hours

Well equipped with a climbing harness and helmet, roped up and professionally secured by a mountain guide, the first holds and steps are tried out on the 9 metre high climbing tower. The necessary equipment is provided.

Meeting point: Climbing tower at the Aich leisure lake

Registration required: on +43 (0) 3687/23310; www.schladming-dachstein.at/summerprogram


Doba platnosti

Od 30.06.2025 do 01.09.2025
PO Út St Čt So Ne
10:00 - 12:00
16:30 - 18:30


In bad weather indoors at the Hotel Pichlmayrgut.


Car: B 320 – Aich – follow signs for “Freizeitsee Aich” Public arrival: Line 900/901: „Bahnhof Aich“ stop; distance 100 m (2 min.)
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