Kids‘ Carpentry - Imprese #1 | © Dominik Steiner

Kids‘ Carpentry

Holzwerkstätte Schrempf

Each Friday from 1 pm to 3 pm. Drill, hammer, saw... as much as you can, there are no limits for your fantasy. Adviced by a professional, kids together with their parents create little works of art. To work with wood is fun for the whole family. Kids and adults discover their skills in this handcraft and timber cars, cubes, figures and abstract buildings.

Meeting point: Holzwerkstätte Schrempf (Planaistraße 49, 8971 Schladming)

Fee: € 12,- (included in Sommercard)

Participants: Maximum of 20 kids, aged 5 years and above

Registration: Tourist office Schladming +43 3687 22777-22 until 6 pm of the previous day

Holzwerkstätte Schrempf
Planaistraße 49
8971 Schaldming

Tourismusverband Schladming-Dachstein
Infobüro Schladming
Rohrmoosstraße 234
8970 Schladming
+43 3687 23310

30.05.2025 do 05.09.2025
13:00 do 15:00 Uhr

Je nutná předběžná registrace! registration until thursday 17:00 p.m.

Doplňující informace

  • Tip při špatném počasí
  • Bezbariérové

Carpentry for Kids

Free participation

Cars, cubes and abstract buildings are created under expert guidance.

Discover your talent for craftsmanship and let your imagination run wild.

From 5 years, max 20 children

Registration with the Schladming-Dachstein Tourist Office is essential, tel. 03687/23310 or here; if you are unable to come, please cancel reliably.

Meeting point: Schrempf wood workshop


Doba platnosti

Od 30.05.2025 do 05.09.2025
PO Út St Čt So Ne
13:00 - 15:00


Registration is absolutely necessary:


By car: Schladming - B320 towards Graz - turn right after the petrol station - Planaistraße - Fastenberg - Holzwerkstätte Schrempf, 8971 Fastenberg, Planaistraße 49; Public transport: Line 900/ 901/ 975: Stop "Fastenberg Breiler"
Zobrazit v Mapách Google

Doplňující informace

  • Tip při špatném počasí

We look forward to you!
