Wild cuisine - Imprese #1 | © Marc Pascual auf Pixabay

Wild cuisine

Nature Park Sölktäler - Naturparkhaus Schloss Großsölk

Content: The special symbiosis between fungus and algae gives rise to a new organism - the lichen. Unique in their appearance, colonization and survival strategy, these multifaceted organisms have much more to offer. Lichens are indicators of intact ecosystems, are used as bioindicators to determine air quality or serve as an important food source for a wide variety of animal species. In earlier times, lichens were often used as a remedy for humans and animals or as a dye for wool and silk. In this workshop, you will not only gain extensive basic knowledge about lichens, you will also learn a lot of practical information about their use in the home and learn how to recognize and systematically classify lichens in the field.

Date: Friday, June 27, 2:00 p.m. to Saturday, June 28, 2025, 1:00 p.m.

Costs: € 45,00

Please register until one week before the event!

More information and the registration form can be found here.

Naturparkhaus Schloss Großsölk
Großsölk 55
8961 Sölk

Naturschutzakademie Steiermark
Stein an der Enns 107
8961 Sölk
+43 676 96 68 378

27.06.2025 do 28.06.2025
Pátek, sobota

Je nutná předběžná registrace! Registration deadline one week before the event.