Animal yoga - Imprese #1 | © Sandra Glaser

Animal yoga

Almhütte Auszeit/Almhütte MeineZeit

POZOR! Tato událost již proběhla.

At the beginning, the small group and the herd of goats get to know each other. Then we walk together to the yoga power place in the forest. A gentle yoga session (approx. 60 minutes) is held in the forest. Through a harmonious combination of asanas, pranayama and meditation, body, mind and soul are brought into harmony with nature. The goats seek the closeness of humans or relax in their own way during the session.

Health aspect: 

Activities in the fresh air strengthen the heart, circulation and immune system. Touching, observing and being in the presence of animals leads to a reduction in cortisol levels, the so-called "stress hormone". You can let go and relax, be mindful of yourself, the animals and nature.

  • Service provider: Sandra Glaser
  • Cost per participant: € 35
  • Cost per child: for adults only
  • Participants min.: 6
  • Participants max.: 8
  • Info on arrival/parking/bus: parking spaces for cars are available at the farm
  • Registration by email/phone at the following email/number by no later than                       
  • Registration  

Almhütte Auszeit/Almhütte MeineZeit
Donnersbachwald 2
8953 Irdning-Donnersbachtal

Almhütte Auszeit/Almhütte MeineZeit
Sandra Glaser
Donnersbachwald 2
8953 Irdning-Donnersbachtal
+43 664 99 17 93 12
