Neuhaus church festival - Impression #1 | © Symbolfoto Pixabay

Neuhaus church festival

Gedenkstätte Kirchenruine Neuhaus

UWAGA! Event już miał miejsce.

Neuhaus church festival

Cordial invitation to the Neuhaus Church Festival on 7 July 2024 at 3:00 pm

Once again this year, the now traditional Neuhaus Church Festival will take place at the Neuhaus church memorial site (near Trautenfels Castle near Stainach in Upper Styria). For several decades, the uncovered foundation walls have been a reminder of the once mighty Protestant church that fell victim to the Counter-Reformation. 


Gedenkstätte Kirchenruine Neuhaus
8951 Stainach-Pürgg

Evangelische Pfarrgemeinde Bad Aussee - Stainach Irdning
Dr. Meinhard Beermann
+43 699 18877606